Thursday, July 5, 2018

Week 22: Week One of Training!

Hello everyone!

I am very short on time so I'll try to fit everything in.

I officially said goodbye to Sister Sutton Monday night- Shout out to my favorite trainer in the world! Love ya!

I inherited my trainee, Sister Moore, on Wednesday after a crazy two days of transfers and trios and Shashlik (very tasty *skewered* campfire meat-)! Sister Moore is from Las Vegas and is super cute! I already love her to death and we are going to laugh the heck out of this next two transfers or so. I am guaranteed to stay in Borschagovsky for two transfers and finish Sister Moore's training. HECK YEAH!

Some fun things we did this week were:

- We had three potential investigators at church! Talk about herding cats!

- We bought matching rain boots!

- We taught our first lesson together with 5 minutes notice


It is so fun training and I can't wait to to tell y'all more about it next week!

poka poka,
Sister Vehar

*Mom here. I was able to message via Google Hangouts with Sister Vehar Monday morning. She is doing so good. She says trying to speak with people there is really awkward since Sister Sutton went home. Sister Vehar says the other sisters that stayed at her apartment while waiting for their new companions were really impressed with her Russian language and that was a big confidence boost for her, even though she knew her Russian wasn't that good...she says they'll see in three weeks (these other sisters are only 6 weeks younger than her in their missions).

Some fun pictures were posted on the mission facebook page this week. I'll add those to Sister Vehar's pictures. 

This week, the Ukraine, Kyiv mission officially became the Ukraine, Kyiv-Moldova mission. It was a big transition as they sent home their 11 missionaries, reassigned 5 elders to the Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk mission, and inherited both the Ukraine, L'viv mission and the Moldova (used to be Romania/Moldova) mission. The Kyiv mission just went from about 60 missionaries to over 100. Big, exciting changes! And Sister Vehar couldn't be happier with all that is happening there in Ukraine.

 My cute lil' child
 Sis Moore sleepin
 Our booties!
 Sister Slocombe and Sister Vehar at the campfire cookout
Cooking Shashlik
The Kyiv missionaries get to attend the Kyiv temple one last time before returning home. Their companions get to attend too, such a fun treat for Sister Vehar. So wonderful to have a temple in her mission! She is able to attend quaterly, and any other special occasions, like this one.
Sister Vehar and Sister Moore at a baptism

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