Monday, June 24, 2019

Week 73: A bee stung my pinkie toe

Hey everyone!

Yeah, it's short, but be glad I sent one at all. Yep, a bee stung me- stinkin' vengeful creatures. I don't understand why it had to do that cause I accidentally murdered him by stepping on him, but what's done is done. I have a third big toe. Worse, is that Sister Pixton had to leave us, but I'll see her in 5 weeks.

I actually want to share a spiritual experience I had this week. After the hard week last week, I prayed to the Lord and asked if He would allow me to see some fruits from my labors since I was having a hard time seeing any at the moment. Sister Thompson called me this week and told me a bunch of miracles of a man with a baptismal date that I gave a card to and just opened my eyes to some of the fruits of my efforts here. And also Milena, an investigator I taught in Borschagovsky almost a year ago just got baptized this week. I'm not saying this is all because of me, because that would be completely presumptuous.  I've just realized that every small effort goes somewhere. My efforts from one year ago brought forth a result now- I am just blessed that the Lord allowed me to see that one. Maybe my efforts today will bring something forth next year. I won't be here to see it, but that's not what matters- that's not why I'm here. All I need to know is that I'm dedicating all my efforts to the Lord and He is using me as his tool right now. What kind of tool am I? Only the Lord knows. But, I know the requirements I need to fulfill in order to be worthy of the privilege to be an instrument in the Lord's hands and I think this is the highest privilege any of us can possibly achieve in this life.
Alma 37:6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.

Love you all,
Sister Vehar

Monday, June 10, 2019

Week 71: Short and Sweet-just be glad I sent an email

Happy Monday everyone!

It was just your average week as a missionary in Ukraine. One investigator drops you (which doesn't even surprise you because you are thinking of dropping them) and we got a new investigator. We met lots of rejection on the street, but in the end you don't care because of the potential you can see in this new investigator. Her name is Natalia. She's a young mom, and after the first lesson she just asked the golden questions, "Why am I here?", "Where did I come from?", and "Where am I going?"- We got the answers for you next time girly!

We also met this cool family that has tons of potential. They introduced themselves as Helen and Mary- they are adorable and I can hear the water filling up the font already.
The trio life is lots of fun. We are just so intimidating to all these people because they don't want to talk to us at all, but life is great.
Saw a HSM clock at an old lady's house.
Saw an American trash can
Not our baptism but we're just glad some people want to follow the Lord

Monday, June 3, 2019

Week 70: Cherkassy (AKA PARADISE)

Okay everyone, I apologize for being literal trash and not emailing forever- but I've been transferred to Cherkassy already and I am in literal love with the branch and the area and my companions- that's right I'm in a trio with Sisters Pixton and Goncear- also sad news... not even 24 hours after my move here, President Kumferman called us and told Sister Pixton that he needs to transfer her to Borschagovsky after three weeks. We're depressed, but of course, whatever the Lord's will is.
So I literally live right off the river (a five to ten-minute run at least- yeah my trio makes me run in the morning- they're lucky that the river is at the end, otherwise I would refuse) and there are trees everywhere!! It's literally so gorgeous here, but it is hard when it's hot and I'm contacting and to my left people are boating, and the trees make me want to camp- WE CAN DO THIS.
The people here are amazing- I already love them with all my heart. The branch is a literal family and the ward council is actually concerned about missionary work- I didn't know that existed tbh. I almost cried in ward council. It was so beautiful. Hopefully, we'll find some new people this week so I can tell you more interesting things about the work.
Love you all tons. I'll have to figure out how to send pictures cause the library here doesn't have a way for me to do it. I wish you could see my paradise. President must love me a lot to let me die here:)
Sister Vehar