Okay everyone, I apologize for being literal trash and not emailing forever- but I've been transferred to Cherkassy already and I am in literal love with the branch and the area and my companions- that's right I'm in a trio with Sisters Pixton and Goncear- also sad news... not even 24 hours after my move here, President Kumferman called us and told Sister Pixton that he needs to transfer her to Borschagovsky after three weeks. We're depressed, but of course, whatever the Lord's will is.
So I literally live right off the river (a five to ten-minute run at least- yeah my trio makes me run in the morning- they're lucky that the river is at the end, otherwise I would refuse) and there are trees everywhere!! It's literally so gorgeous here, but it is hard when it's hot and I'm contacting and to my left people are boating, and the trees make me want to camp- WE CAN DO THIS.
The people here are amazing- I already love them with all my heart. The branch is a literal family and the ward council is actually concerned about missionary work- I didn't know that existed tbh. I almost cried in ward council. It was so beautiful. Hopefully, we'll find some new people this week so I can tell you more interesting things about the work.
Love you all tons. I'll have to figure out how to send pictures cause the library here doesn't have a way for me to do it. I wish you could see my paradise. President must love me a lot to let me die here:)
Sister Vehar
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