Monday, May 7, 2018


Hello everyone!

That's right! I have survived and thrived one month in the wonderful Ukraine. This week was amazing as we met with a bunch of members and investigators and got fed plov (*a rice dish much like pilaf with carrots and meat in it) a bunch of times, which is now my absolute favorite! The people here are amazing because the church is so fresh here that almost everyone is a convert. These people have crazy and awesome conversion stories that you feel like you would only hear in general conference or something. The members here are great, to say the least.

We had an awesome chance to do some gardening with Olga flower bab, our potential investigator. We've been trying to get in on serving in her huge garden, but she hasn't trusted us until last week. We're really growing on her because she invited us to do it again. She is so old, but we couldn't even tell cause she works so hard and now I think she's glad to use our help because it is getting HOT here. She even pulled us inside for an hour or so because the next section of land we wanted to work on was in the sun and it wasn't good for our health, so instead she shoved chocolates down our throats for an hour. I’m not complaining though because they have some good chocolate here.

We had our first exchange (where we split up and go out with a different missionary than our usual companion) and it was super awesome, even though it started out with us dropping our keys down to the sisters to let them into our building and the keys landed on a roof below us!! When we went to go down to help them get the keys, we had locked ourselves in! After a bit of panicking and deciding we didn't care about the bystanders' opinions, we dropped a broomstick out the same window to assist the sisters in getting the keys. Mission success. I'm not making any of this up. The exchange went on great! I was with Sister King and she is so cool. We got to teach our investigators and do some survey finding and even pay the rent, since she was the only one who knew how, being the only sister that ever served in this area before us. It was so fun.

Great news! We have two baptisms this week if all goes according to plan. Up until yesterday, this baptism seemed like it was not going to happen, but we have seen a lot of miracles and we are so glad it worked itself out. We're hoping one of our other investigators will attend and agree to a definite baptismal date because right now she wants to wait until June.

This has been an amazing week full of miracles and I have learned so much. We have gotten so many referrals from members and people who just walk into the temple asking to be baptized. Sometimes it's discouraging after a whole day of contacting with no success, but we are still so blessed here and the Lord definitely blesses us for our work, even if it isn't a direct correlation. I love this work and I'm so glad to be here. I love each and every one of you and hope you all have awesome weeks and Mother's days! Especially you missionary mommas!

Sister Vehar​
 Working the dew rag!
Check out that skyline!

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