This week was amazing! First, we met with Olga, our investigator, again and actually got to talk about the restoration finally. She read the brochure we gave her very thoroughly and started firing off questions. Thankfully we had a member on the lesson because I was so lost and Sister Sutton would have been on her own. She was really interested in reading the Book of Mormon because she's sure it will answer her question about whether our church is right or not (which she is completely right about), but she is really skeptical. It's odd though because she is really aggressive with her questions and skeptical and it seems like we're gonna lose her, and then we answer her question the best we can and she says okay... I'll try it. She really wants to believe because she tells us it makes no sense how a family could sail in a boat across the Atlantic and then have wars when it's only one family but she'll just read the book and see what she thinks of it then. She's really awesome because even though she doesn't get it right away, she doesn't give up on it and throw us out like most people do. She really wants to understand and I love it!
Sasha and Kira are doing great, post-baptism life. They are WILD kids but hopefully having the Holy Ghost in their life will help them tone it down eventually.
We have another recent convert we work with who is in her late 70s and is paralyzed and mute. Don't ask me how she got baptized in the past year, but we're glad to have her. It was definitely an interesting scene as we talked with her I guess you could say.
We had some pretty AMAZING potential investigator work this week. We got a referral from a member and she really wants to do missionary work so she set it up so she could be on the lesson. This lady's name is Ludmilla and she's a cool babushka, looking to understand the Bible better. Her friend, the member, set up a lesson with us, but turns out Ludmilla has been gathering countless religious materials to read at the dacha this summer so we won't see her for a few months. But, she loved our lesson and she wants to restart the Book of Mormon (she had started and gave up not understanding why it was related to the Bible) and she made me promise to teach her when she returns because she has a lot to learn still. She definitely felt something because she was crying occasionally and she is really excited to start up with us later.
We realized this week that we hadn't placed a single Book of Mormon together due to business with established investigators and members and whatnot. We decided that we would put aside time to go contacting specifically with the goal of placing 4 Book of Mormons. We set out and for a while we got some Bible bashers asking why God would make races (of course in very nationalist and race-focused Eastern Europe) but then as we were walking we came to a cross roads and we weren't sure where to go. We were definitely being led by the spirit up until this point and I felt confused why I wasn't feeling that we should go either way set before us. I thought I just wasn't being guided anymore or something and it was awkward as we kinda stood at this marshrutka stop for a minute, but then a lady came and stood next to Sister Sutton and she seized the opportunity as she was separated from the others. This lady's name is Tanya and she was super cool! She has heard of our church (some nasty things, of course untrue) and steered the conversation towards English and America as people do when they are uninterested in the gospel. We were about to end the conversation and go home without giving away a single book, when she asked "So what is in this book?", and took it out of Sister Sutton's hand. She said some elders a while back had tried to get her to take one and read it a year or so ago and she said she wouldn't so why bother taking it?. We told her about it and she asked to keep it! That is called the Lord's timing! Hopefully we'll see her at English and she has our number so we're hoping she'll call.
We had a picnic with Sasha today and it was awesome! We had a lesson about the Priesthood too and she took that really well. The picnic was amazing! We met her kids and it was in a forest of pine trees and it felt like camping! Her kids are so cute and one of them actually asked us about God and judgement and then Sasha started telling her and testifying and that was the coolest experience because once upon a time she had no knowledge and no testimony. It made my mama heart swell! She also is bringing her girl to church this Sunday without us asking her too! She's gonna be a great missionary! I'm so excited for her!
That's all I have for this week! Love you all!
Sister Vehar

Sister Sutton, Sasha , Sister Vehar
Our fresh berries
The Ukraine heart people
The beautiful forest
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