What a special opportunity it was for me to escort Kaeleigh through her first time at the temple. The spirit was extremely strong and it was a very special moment for Dad, Kaeleigh and myself to spend time in the celestial room with our first born child and imagine the day when our entire family would be in that room together.
Kaeleigh thought the temple was awesome and before she left on her mission, we were able to go to the Denver temple two more times and the Fort Collins temple once for endowments. Before she left on her mission, Kaeleigh was able to go and do family name baptisms after she was endowed with Carson and Deegan in the Denver temple and then she and I went and did her female family names' initiatories right after. That was really awesome for her to see ordinances in their correct order and to do all the work start to finish for these special family names. Kaeleigh has a very strong testimony and love for the temple. She will tell anyone she can about how much she loves the temple and how awesome it is.
*A side note, Kaeleigh was so happy that she got to use her special graduation gift from the Litchfield Park Relief Society presidency. When the young women of that ward celebrated her graduation, the RS came and presented her with a beautiful temple envelope to keep her temple clothing in once she would attend the temple. What a special gift that she has to remember her loved ones back in Arizona every time she goes to the temple.
(L-R:) Grandpa Faylor, Grandma Faylor, Amy, Jenny, Mom, Kaeleigh, Dad, Grandma Vehar, Grandpa Vehar |